4 People-powered achievements by the WikiRate community in 2022
People-power is the unstoppable force that drives WikiRate. Here’s an express look at the community’s achievements in 2022. Dive into what was accomplished and discover how to join in and contribute in 2023.
1. Millions and millions of open, free and diverse data
It’s astounding that this week the four millionth ESG open data point will be added to the WikiRate open data platform. This time last year, it was the two millionth. At the current rate, the platform will have over 10 million data points by 2025!
Kudos to our community for the achievement, as with every data point, our vision of a world in which everyone can understand and shape company impacts gets closer.
Start contributing data today with a WikiRate account.
2. Over 1000 students learn to evaluate sustainability reporting
WikiRate’s academic partnerships offer educators a chance to teach their students to evaluate corporate sustainability reporting. This year’s cohort was exceptional in their number and contribution. Together with our 16 academic partners, over 1000 students used WikiRate to learn how to assess companies’ sustainability reports.
The students made vital contributions to two ongoing projects, the Modern Slavery Act Research and Business Contributions to the SDGs.
Discover what it’s like to use WikiRate as a teaching tool: Read a blog by a participating professor on her and her student’s experience.
Send us a message via our contact form if you want an information pack on how to get involved in WikiRate’s academic partnerships.
If you want to contribute individually, that’s possible too.
3. Special data dashboards that enrich thinking
Organized and visualized data informs and enriches our thinking.
In 2022, WikiRate created two data dashboards in partnership with civil society, illuminating critical problems in the 21st century with data.
Beyond Compliance by Walk Free is a living data dashboard assessing modern slavery reporting across business sectors. The dashboard visualizes garment, financial, and hospitality sectors’ year-on-year modern slavery reports concerning the Australian and U.K. Get a top-level snapshot of the reporting trends and dig into the sector specifics.
The Facility Checker is a search tool created by WikiRate for Clean Clothes Campaign. It makes it possible to search for fashion facilities and find information about worker wages, living wage gaps, and the brands that source from them. There’s also a blog by our team explaining more about how to use the facility checker.
4. Data discovered in community sessions
Data Discovery was a new event for 2022. The community got together monthly and set research sprints on specific topics. Some of the questions answers include:
- What do the world’s largest chocolate companies do to prevent child labor?
- Discover which companies invest in major Russian oil & gas companies
- Which major palm oil companies publish a zero deforestation commitment and how many share their progress towards the target
- What do the world’s largest pharma companies do to manage hazardous wastewater?
- How much covid financial support did major European airlines receive compared to their tax expense in 2020/21?
- Do BCorp companies report on their waste management?
In 2023 the format is getting a refresh and an update.
Community members will have a chance to become data contributors to larger ongoing projects focused on net-zero and sustainable shopping; sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events.
Onward to 2023
Phew, 2022 was a packed year for the WikiRate team and community. The team is looking forward to 2023 already: exciting developments on the open data platform and deeper community engagement will mean even more significant impact.